Congratulations abound for three Hillcrest Healthcare professionals recognized by THCA

Hillcrest Healthcare is so proud of our highly trained and dedicated staff members who respect and celebrate the lives of those we serve. It’s a great honor to get to celebrate some of our team members as well who recently were honored by Tennessee Health Care Association (THCA).

The THCA Annual Convention and Trade Show was held Aug. 21-23, 2024, in Nashville at Music City Center. Part of the convention included an award ceremony recognizing healthcare professionals who have gone above and beyond in their respective fields. Hillcrest Healthcare had three team members who were recognized with awards.

Rachel Watson, director of social services at our Island Home community, earned Social Worker of the Year. Tennessee state Sen. Becky Duncan Massey even stopped by Island Home to celebrate the good news. Read more here in Knox TN Today.

Tracy Key, dietary director at our Beverly Park Place community, earned Dietary Director of the Year. This article at Knox TN Today shares that she has been the dietary director for 11 years and has served at Beverly Park for 34 years!

Brandy Bailey, assistant dietary manager at our Island Home community, earned recognition as Caregiver of the Year, Knoxville District. The award pays tribute to selfless individuals who have devoted their careers to improving the lives of those in full-time care.

Bruce DiBernardo, senior vice president of skilled operation

“Our team is committed to delivering quality, compassionate care, and we’re so fortunate to have wonderful people who truly stand out in their areas of service,” said Bruce DiBernardo, senior vice president of skilled operation. “On behalf of the entire Hillcrest Healthcare team, I send a hearty thank you and congratulations to Rachel, Tracy and Brandy on receiving these prestigious and well-deserved awards.”

Several of our team members attended the convention to take advantage of educational events and learn more about healthcare delivery and services in our state. This enables us to learn and employ best practices, network with other providers and discover potential partners to best serve our clients. We strive to continuously improve in all areas of our organization.

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